Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Sunday

My Sunday has been quiet and relaxing, just the way I like it! I walked around the river with a friend, it’s amazing how easy it is to talk about things while walking. The 9km was over so quickly, love it when I get distracted while doing exercise. When I got home I had worked up my sweet tooth, I decided to make muffins but as always when I bake I just can’t stick to a recipe. Today I wanted to make healthier muffins packed with good energy. The result is almond, banana and honey muffins with a dark chocolate centre. YUM!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I have had a nice and relaxing morning, woke up early and decided to get up and start the weekend. Had a nice cup of tea with tea leafs from Gotland and a perfectly boiled egg (thanks to our thermomix). After that I quickly cleaned up the apartment which is now fresh and sparkling clean. To top it all off I went to the flower shop and bought my favourite flowers to place on our table. All I have to do now is to get myself ready because I have lunch planed with a dear friend of mine that I haven’t see for months. She has just come home from London and I can’t wait to hear all her stories.
Happy Weekend Everyone! ♥

Friday, November 25, 2011

Kitchen Window

Image: Kira Brandt, Bobedre

I like the idea of decorating the kitchen window with special ornaments hanging on a thin steel wire. During Christmas you can make it all Christmassy and for the rest of the year you can use ornaments that have been picked up during travel, kids creations and any special object that you and your family have collected throughout the years.

Natural Wood

Image: Hus & Hem

Wooden floors are my favourite. I particularly like when the floorboards have been oil treated with a hint of white pigment which still lets through the natural look for the wood. This is on my wish list for the future.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


After work today I went to kikki.K in Claremont to buy this year’s Christmas wrapping.
I just love going into the kikki.K shop, it’s a little piece of home for me.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Images: Peter Carlsson Hus & Hem

These stairs are so simple and classic, I like how its painted black and white. Its funny that the shoes are at the bottom of the stairs and next to the front door. It took me years to remember not to take my shoes off at the door when I came into someone’s house here in Australia. I always got a weird look as I was taking them off, but where I grew up you would get in trouble if you didn’t. If you came home to our apartment here in Australia you would see a line of my petite shoes at the front door and as you walk further into the place you would see my fiancés shoes next to the couch. That’s just what he does and have done since he was a child, walk straight into the house, sits down on the couch and the shoes comes off! I love our odd little habits.

Monday, November 21, 2011


I photographed a Hollywood and Oscar inspired birthday party on the weekend. It was quiet an event with a red carpet and actors dressed up as Austin Powers, Dame Edna and Marilyn Monroe to name a few, who mingled with the guests. The food looked delicious and they had gone all out on the decorations, on either side of the red carpet were two massive Oscars.
Later in the evening the party moved upstairs to the pool area where there were more surprises, you should have seen the face expressions when the guests saw playboy bunnies and shirtless guys around the pool! I stayed for another hour or so and then I decided it was time to take my camera home. What a party, I don’t think I will ever see anything like it again!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Louis Baxters

We had breakfast and a lovely morning at Louis Baxters with Katya and Steve today. The coffee was great and my breakfast trifle oh so good! After that we went to the Subiaco markets and got the weekly supply of fruit, vegetables and meat. Love the new The Butcher Shop, well done Steve! We needed a good butcher shop at the markets.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Image: Hus & Hem

I have a secret love to rag-mats. As a child I used to help my grandmother tear apart old rugs and fabric for her to weave rag-mats. One time she told me that I could choose my favourite colours and she would make me one. It was navy blue and white, I loved it and I had it in my room for years! I wonder where it is now..

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Image: Hus & Hem

I wrote about the greyscale yesterday and today I found this image of a great room in black and white. I love the light from the large windows and the space in the room. Black floorboards teamed with white walls and furniture creates a striking look.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Images: Swedish Elle Interior

There’s something about the classic greyscale that I’ve been loving lately. Keeping the interior in a greyscale gives a relaxed yet dramatic look.
We all love a pop of colour every now and then though!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sköna Hem

I got very excited when I opened our letterbox today and saw that my Sköna Hem magazine had arrived all the way from Sweden. I'm going to make myself a cup of tea and cuddle up on the couch and read my magazine from cover to cover. Let my thoughts escape to Sweden for a while.
I really like the combination of casual IKEA furniture and industrial lamps like in the photo above.