Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I’m getting married to my fiancé at the end of the year, which means we have a wedding to plan! The venue and photographer was booked last year but the rest is still a white canvas. I have most things clear in my mind, but there are a lot that needs to be actioned. Today I had a meeting with lovely Tilopa at bride+groom. She had lots of ideas and was very helpful. We are hiring chairs and a few bits and bobs from them. Next week we have a meeting with a potential florist. I really wanted to do the flowers myself, but over coffee last weekend I had second thoughts when my friends told me I had to let go! Now I just need to mention it to my lovely hubby to be that a florist is back on the cards, hopefully he reads this post!


  1. Tänk efter en extra gång. Det är en tid o dag du ska minnas med glädje o inte en massa jobb. Kommer bli jätte bra vad du än kommer fram till! Saknar dig gumman. Hörs på skype imorgon. Kramkram/josefin

  2. I agree, jag ska ha ett mote med en florist pa Onsdag. Det blir nog battre Kram ♥
