Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sheepskin - A Swedish thing?

Pics: Bo-laget

This little apartment is so gorgeous and the floor in the kitchen is to die for. I really like the old furniture that has been given a coat of stylish white paint, very chic! The sheepskin on the bed reminds me of my friend Jodie who liked the soft “rug” I had on the floor, who in the next second jumped far away from it when I told her it wasn’t a rug.. Must just be a strange Swede thing to have sheepskin on the bed, on the floor, in prams, in a chair…. The list goes on and on!


  1. Hahaha nope, I have sheepskins everywhere!! Esp at eagle bay!

  2. Mysist med sheepskins. Skulle kunna ha hur många som helst. Haha vi hörs på skype. Skulle vilja ha en rundtur i er lägenhet!!! Kramar

  3. Anonymous21 May, 2012

    I agree sheepskins are just wonderful
