Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Baby girl

Our dear friend Davina is becoming a mum for the second time, so on the weekend we celebrated with a long lunch. There is nothing better than the mix of great food, the best of friends and little lolly bags to take home at the end of the day. I’m very blessed to have such great friends around me, love you girls! The only thing we can do now is to wait for the arrival of the new addition to our group, so excited to meet her!


  1. Anonymous14 June, 2012

    Så fint hon fixat. Kul att alla samlas och att ni har varandra! Kram/ J

    1. Det var vi som fixade fint till henne :-) Hon blev glatt overraskad. Kram

  2. Anonymous15 June, 2012

    Åh vad snällt. Det är ju andra traditioner än i Sverige. Här existerar knappt sånt.
