Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Today Sweden celebrate Lucia, it’s a very old mythical figure who spread light in the dark Swedish winter. She has a parade of maidens, santas and star boys who are singing and helping to spread the light. They are all dressed in white gowns and carry stars and candles. I have been in countless parades and I think it’s a nice tradition. The Lucia parade has a special atmosphere when the lights are dimmed and the sound of the singing parade grows as they enter from an nearby room. The celebration also (obviously) include something sweet! We have ginger bread and saffron buns with a hot cup of glögg. Happy Lucia Day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Här stormar och öser regnet ner på Luciadagen. Super trist men det är tur man är inomhus med en massa tända ljus och bara myser.
